Electrical Projects
Take a look at a couple of our recently completed projects.
Helix Community Pool and Splash Pad, Helix, OR – The families around Helix are now enjoying a new splash pad, updated pool system, a hot tub, a modern pump building, and renovated changing rooms.
Hot summer days are no big thing for Helix.

Umatilla Pedestrian Bridge, Umatilla, OR – The new bridge became necessary after flooding caused a partial collapse of the old pedestrian bridge. Gordon’s provided the safety lighting component of the project.

Blue Mountain Equestrian Center, Pendleton, OR – BMCC’s rodeo team was the inspiration for this long awaited venue. In partnership with the Pendleton Round Up and Happy Canyon and the City of Pendleton, BMCC now has an equestrian facility that provides year-round access to livestock events.

Inlow Hall Renovation, Eastern Oregon University, LaGrande, OR – EOU is alma mater for so many in our local community. And bringing this historic building up to date was an honor.
Gordon’s Electric provided services for divisions 26, 27, and 28 for the 3rd floor and basement portions of this historic restoration.

Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center Expansion, Mission, OR – This important project created a dedicated entrance for tribal elders to the health center.
Additionally, the expansion provided an updated laboratory, additional storage, and an enhanced medical wing.

Boardman City Hall Expansion, Boardman, OR – As Boardman continues to grow this 4084 sq ft expansion provides space for the building and planning departments and a conference room.
Boardman is picking up steam in its growth and opportunities for new business.

Fire Station 81, Boardman, OR – Thanks to a November 2020 bond, Boardman has a new fire station. Station 81 will have space for their fire fighters and a multi-use space for community, education, and board meetings.
Boardman is one of the fastest growing communities in eastern Oregon. Gordon’s is proud to support this growth.

Hermiston City Hall, Hermiston, OR – Onward and upward for the City of Hermiston. The city knew it was time to modernize and improve efficiencies.
Along with Griffin Construction, the Gordon’s electricians translated vision to reality with an electrical system that supports the fast pace that Hermiston is growing.

Rocky Heights Elementary, Hermiston, OR – It was Rocky Heights families’ turn for a new school and Gordon’s couldn’t be more proud to be part of this fresh, new learning space for our kids!
Cutting edge technology and safety systems that allow the focus to be on learning is the name of the game for modern schools.

Hill Meat Company, Pendleton, OR – Gordon’s Electric provided all of the electrical installation for Hill Meat Company’s 2021 expansion project. Among the improvements were construction of a new processing room, freezer, and cooler. We also provided electrical for their new business offices.
Our favorite Hill Meat product? Pepper Bacon!

Columbia River Elementary, Pasco, WA – As part of a $28.5 million dollar project, Gordon’s worked with General Contractor, Chervenelle Construction to construct a state-of-the-art elementary school to serve the Pasco community.

Pendleton Early Learning Center (PELC), Pendleton, OR – General contractor, McCormack Construction selected Gordon’s as their electrical partner to remodel the old Hawthorne Elementary School into the a safe and innovative venue for Pendleton’s youngest learners.

Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center, Pendleton, OR – The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation are building community resources for a strong Native American community. Gordon’s was proud to be part of this essential tribal resource.

Nixxya’awii Education Center, Mission, OR – In 2018, CTUIR added another beautiful asset to their community with the construction of the Education Center which houses the community school, native language center, Head Start, day care and community training.
It was our privilege to work on this project which supports education and the CTUIR community.

We have many more projects to share. Contact our office for more . 541-276-3154